Meet Kelly and Luke, Peta and Matt…


That’s us! We are greenback! Being real and nothing artificial is our thing. Here's a little about us so you know who is behind your new favourite snack bar…

We are two Australian couples with five sons between us and a passion to make sure every product we put on shelves is a product we are proud of. Luke and Matt have worked in sales for over twenty-years and Kelly and Peta are both teachers. Together, we have created the greenback protein bar – a delicious and nutritious snack that eliminates the quick ‘reach for junk’ option when you feel hungry. Partnering with a nutritionist and R&D team and after much trial, debate and taste testing… we finally felt we had successfully fulfilled our strict greenback criteria: A clean complete protein source which is plant-based, nutritious, gluten free, dairy free and preservative free. What sets us apart from what is already on the market? Well, greenback tastes AHHHmazing, so there is no need for ordinary – not anymore! This is our point of difference!

Our Vision: To provide on-the-go, better-for-you options with a taste you will go back for! (Too bold to say worldwide? Nah! Why not?!)

Our Mission: We want our greenback name to be synonymous with impeccable taste, health, nutrition and quality! (We are a team on a mission, and we have so much more to offer - Sssh... all in the pipeline!)

Our Values: Trust, transparency and true to our passion – we will deliver delicious and nutritious, every time!

Why greenback?

Our muse for our brand was the silverback gorilla… but going green is more the way of the future we felt 😉! The silverback gorilla is one of the strongest animals in the world and he is herbivorous. Yep, plant-based! A gorilla’s strength, whether male or female is formidable and to us this was inspiring and motivating. Gorillas certainly don’t need meat or dairy to meet their protein needs and neither do we. A plant-based diet is associated with an absolute bevy of health and environmental benefits. So going green just makes sense to us! We are greenback and we want to make a difference!

Interesting fact: gorillas are known to hum or sing when encountering food they really like. We are confident you’ll do the same when you eat our greenback bars!


Exciting news to come here soon!