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Why staying hydrated in Winter is beneficial for your health!

Why staying hydrated in Winter is beneficial for your health!

I am sure you can relate; when Winter hits, hydration is your last health focus. In Winter, health and wellness priorities increase, as we all want to protect our bodies from illness. This can seen...
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Why staying hydrated in Winter is beneficial for your health!

Why staying hydrated in Winter is beneficial for your health!

Have you heard...? Nuts can be beneficial for weight loss! Reading Why staying hydrated in Winter is beneficial for your health! 4 minutes

I am sure you can relate; when Winter hits, hydration is your last health focus. In Winter, health and wellness priorities increase, as we all want to protect our bodies from illness. This can seen as eating healthy, warming foods or reaching for immune-boosting supplements to ward off colds and flus. However, a crucial step is often overlooked - staying hydrated. While we naturally sweat less than in Summer, staying hydrated in Winter is just as vital to keep your body healthy and thriving!

So why stay hydrated?

Improve your immune function - Staying hydrated is a critical step to boosting your immune system. Water encourages the circulation of nutrients in the body and how these nutrients enter your immune cells to boost their function. Hydrated cells are healthy cells and have increased permeability for nutrients to enter the cell.  This means water has a collective effect on immune function (1). So remember, a well-hydrated body is a well-equipped, infection-fighting body.

Regulating your body temperature - When Winter sets in, regulating your body temperature to cope with the cold is influenced by hydration. Water increases cellular hydration, allowing cells the ability to carry out their life-benefitting functions. This includes your brain cells where your core temperature is controlled. Drinking water allows your brain to function optimally to manage heat distribution and keep you warm in the chilly weather (2). 

Preventing dry skin, leading to skin conditions - With Winter comes the cold and wind that causes dry and irritated skin. Drinking water regulates the normal life cycle of your skin cells from their creation to their replacement. This cycle helps avoid dry skin, as unhealthy and dry cells slough off, leaving new healthy skin cells for plump and hydrated skin (3). 

Prevent dry air from affecting your respiratory system - Dry air outside and inside in Winter, especially with the use of heaters causes dehydration. This includes dehydration of your internal organs, especially the respiratory system. Dehydration reduces blood flow to the lungs which changes its structure, including the lung wall/surface which can lead to contraction (4). As the lungs are greatly affected by Winter illnesses, keeping their health intact is paramount. 

Reduce joint pain and stiffness associated with the cold - To reduce painful joint symptoms in Winter, staying hydrated is key. Water nourishes the cartilage and membranes between your joints and decreases inflammation, allowing your body to have smooth movements and reduced pain (5). 


How to maintain water intake in winter? 

    • Flavour your water for a pleasurable taste and increased health benefits. The Greenback Protein Water is ideal for this, as it is packed with vitamins, minerals and protein whilst simultaneously hydrating your body. 
    • Enjoy a smoothie with added Greenback protein powder. Using water or milk, you are nourishing your body and hydrating at the same time. In Winter it is great to use fresh fruits or vegetables rather than frozen to enjoy a mild or room-temperature smoothie.
    • Herbal teas are not only great for warming your body, they are packed with antioxidants to help your immune system thrive.
    • You may be surprised to learn that every fruit and vegetable contains water. So increasing your daily fresh fruit and vegetable consumption is an easy and simple way to hydrate. For example; celery, spinach, cucumber, tomatoes, apples and melons.
    • Enjoy hearty vegetable soups, broths and stews to hydrate and nourish your body. 

 Key takeaway:

Hydration is vital all year round and understanding the positive impact it has on your health is necessary. I encourage you to incorporate the above tips to increase your daily intake. Don't overwhelm yourself and try to do it all. Choose a few manageable ideas from above and before you know it, hydration has become an important part of your health regime, especially in Winter!



  1. Moeller KT, Butler MW, Denardo DF. The effect of hydration state and energy balance on innate immunity of a desert reptile. Front Zool. 2013 May 4;10(1):23. doi: 10.1186/1742-9994-10-23. PMID: 23642164; PMCID: PMC3660207.
  2. [Internet]. Cologne, Germany: Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG); 2006-. In brief: How is body temperature regulated and what is fever? [Updated 2022 Dec 6]. Available from:
  3. Verdier-Sévrain S, Bonté F. Skin hydration: a review on its molecular mechanisms. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2007 Jun;6(2):75-82. doi: 10.1111/j.1473-2165.2007.00300.x. PMID: 17524122.
  4. Pigakis KM, Stavrou VT, Pantazopoulos I, Daniil Z, Kontopodi-Pigaki AK, Gourgoulianis K. Effect of Hydration on Pulmonary Function and Development of Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction among Professional Male Cyclists. Adv Respir Med. 2023 Jun 7;91(3):239-253. doi: 10.3390/arm91030019. PMID: 37366805; PMCID: PMC10295158.
  5. Gul R, Nazir I, Imran Amirzada M, Jahan F, Naseer F, Ahmad Baig T. Aging and Synovial Joint Function: Changes in Structure and Implications for Mobility [Internet]. Advancements in Synovial Joint Science - Structure, Function, and Beyond. IntechOpen; 2024. Available from:

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